We're big fans of doing things a little differently!

How boring would life be if we all did everything the same way?!! We already know the answer to that, so that's why we're big fans of doing things a little differently - starting with our class structure.

When you sign up for a Wonder & Whoa class you aren't just filling up time for your little one, you're investing in instilling confidence, building self-esteem, encouraging dreams, and teaching social emotional skills.

Each class at Wonder & Whoa loosely follows the following structure:


Introductions allow kiddos to practice assertively using their voice and strengthening their presence. We encourage eye contact, loud voices, and a sense of pride when introducing themselves (after all, there is only one of them in this world!)


Research shows that positive affirmations have an amazing impact on the self perception and self-esteem of little ones. We infuse affirmations in every single class we offer becuase we want them to know without a shadow of a doubt that they are special.

Hands-On Active Play

What better way to experience life than by triggering all of your senses! Our time spent indulging in activities keeps little minds curious, fosters a love for the unknown, and promotes acceptance for those different than ourselves.


Sharing our ideas, creations, and feelings can be quite vulnerable, and vulnerability can require quite a bit of bravery. We love teaching kids to exercise these muscles becuase getting comfortable putting yourself "out there" is one of the first steps in creating impossible possibilities.

Encouragement & Acceptance

We end each class with encouragement and acceptance for what was shared by our classmates, teaching kiddos that it feels just as great to give encouragement as it does to receive it.

We always meet kids where they are on that given day, at that given moment. If any part of any class feels too challenging, we still give our encouragement, acceptance, and love....becuase life is a journey and sometimes patience is the key to success.